Providing resources for communities and entrepreneurs to create and retain jobs in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan & Emmet Counties.

Newly-formed collaboration to empower economic growth

Arrowhead IncubatorThe Northern Lakes Economic Alliance is participating in the newly-formed Northern Michigan Native Commerce Team (NMNCT). As a collaborator and resource provider for the region’s businesses and communities, NLEA’s relationships and knowledge of the business environment as well as grants and infrastructure, provide the perfect connections to partner with Arrowhead Incubator and the other organizations involved. 
To ensure the ongoing health and sustainability of social and economic development strategies within the region, the NMNCT’s Objectives are:
  1. Bridging Native and Non-Native communication gap for communicating emerging challenges and opportunities in social and economic development
  2. Sharing relevant, publicly accessible data to better understand the needs of the region
  3. Collaborate for ongoing regional resilience.
Arrowhead Incubator has announced their Basic Business Start-Up Program’s application is now live. This is an intensive eight-week course open to both Native and Non-Native entrepreneurs to support the creation of new non-profit and business ventures in our region.

Click for flyer: AHIN Basic Business Start-Up Program_8.5x11_ Flyer

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