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Northern Lakes Economic Alliance  •  231-582-6482  •

Amanda Baker, Community Development & Engagement

The MEDC, EGLE, Housing North, and USDA gathered to share information on the various tools they use to spur development in Northern Michigan.

Regional partners gathered in Traverse City on Monday, June 10, 2019, to share the multitude of programs used to push community development forward. Community representatives and consultants from across Region 2 refreshed on ways to move their projects forward.

Representatives from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC,) Michigan Department of Environmental Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE, formerly the DEQ,) Housing North, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) all presented updated information on various community and business programs municipalities and developers can use to invest in the area.

Programs included environmental Brownfield clean up through EGLE; blight, historic, or obsolete Brownfield grants through the MEDC; rural development loans and grants through the USDA; and CDBG and Community Revitalization Projects through the MEDC.

If you have a community improvement you would like to discuss, reach out to the NLEA Community Development team, Jessica Lovay and Amanda Baker, to determine which programs could help you.

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