Providing resources for communities and entrepreneurs to create and retain jobs in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan & Emmet Counties.

Embrace community entrepreneurship with this unique conference opportunity!

Northern Lakes Economic Alliance  •  231-582-6482  •

Andy Hayes, NLEA President

Each year since 2007, the MSU Extension Entrepreneurship Work Team produces the state-wide “Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities” (CEC) Conference.  To showcase different communities, the conference is held in different cities throughout the state; last year it was held in Charlevoix, and this year on Oct 1-2, 2019 it will be held in Ludington.

Approximately 150 people from 50 Michigan communities and several other states will attend. There will be great keynote speakers and 23 breakout sessions on all sorts of topics all designed to help your community learn programs and resources to help entrepreneurs.  What truly makes this conference unique is that the breakout sessions are actually embedded in various shops, restaurants, and businesses throughout downtown Ludington.  So in addition to learning information, you are also experiencing the town, meeting entrepreneurs, sharing ideas and networking with other communities.

Starting this year, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) has become a partner, which will add additional programming sessions.  There will also be sessions from the National “Empty Storefronts” program.

Ludington is a great community, doing exciting things and we’re excited to have them host this year. Everyone is sure to enjoy the conference and I guarantee participants will come back with ideas and tools to implement in their communities.

Click here for the CEC conference brochure with event info, sessions, speakers and registration info.

Like CEC on Facebook:  Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities for photos, videos, and info.

Visit for more information about the CEC program.

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