Providing resources for communities and entrepreneurs to create and retain jobs in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan & Emmet Counties.

Michigan Small Business Restart Program funds to be distributed in September

Michigan Small Business Restart Program Grant money to be distributed in SeptemberThe Michigan Small Business Restart Program Grant applications closed at Midnight August 5, 2020. The final numbers for received applications shows that the demand exceeds the available grant funds by a 4:1 margin.
As mandated by the MEDC, at least 30% of the grant funds are to be earmarked for Minority, Veteran or Women owned businesses. Working in partnership with regional grant hubs Networks Northwest and Target Alpena, the Northern Lakes Economic Alliance has facilitated the efforts for Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan and Emmet Counties. Area Chambers, Main Street Programs, DDA’s, Industrial Association and other groups have been key to the promotion of the program to area companies.
To ensure a smooth and consistent scoring and selection process the NLEA staff and scoring teams have been meeting weekly with local and regional partners. The scoring/selection process will be completed by August 28 with the funds to be distributed by September 17, 2020. 

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